Monday, January 7, 2008

Do you ever look around and see stuff you should be doing, but can't seem to work up the energy to get up? That is what I am doing now. I see a couple of Michelle toys I need to put back together, like her train tracks and house, but that stuff is like 5 steps away, and that is just 5 steps too far. I mean, I know they say that doing a little house work isn't going to kill me, but, I just don't feel comfortable taking that chance. So instead I will talk to you nice people. You, what a great person you are!

Things here are going great. Nothing really too new. I love this time, right after the holidays, when things mellow out again.

Well I guess I should get going and get some of this stuff cleaned up.... Or maybe I will just go grab a cookie.

Cookie won!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

i wish i had some cookies in the house so they could win over cleaning! usually, just about anything wins over cleaning!