Thursday, November 13, 2008


My sister Heath Tagged me, so....

4 Random Things I Like About Mike

1 - He is super funny
2 - We have a ton in common, so we are always having fun
3 - He likes sports(REAL ones, like baseball and football, lol)
4 - He is so incredibly sweet and thoughtful. He does things for Michelle and I all the time, without me even having to ask or hint to it.

4 Jobs I've Had

1 - Mama
2 - Waitress
3 - Uhhhhh, kick-ass person
4 - Super secret awesome awesomeness agent

4 Movies I've Watched More Than Once

1 - Moulin Rouge
2 - Guys and Dolls
3 - Mel Brooks movies
4 - Kevin Smith movies

4 TV Shows I Watch

1 - Law and Order SVU
2 - CSI (Original and NY)
3 - Family Guy
4 - Kitchen Nightmare

4 Favorite Foods

1 - Chicken massuman (Thai)
2 - Crab legs
3 - Sticky chicken
4 - Cheese

4 Places I'd Like to Visit

1 - Poland
2 - Ireland
3 - London
4 -Every state in the US, or atleast the ones with good MLB teams.

4 Things I'm Looking Forward to in the Coming Year

1 - Michelle going to school and turning 4
2 - Moving
3 - Being able to see people more
4 - Uhhhh, oh yeah, and having a baby!!!!!!!!!!!

4 People I Tag

1 - Jess
2 - Monique
3 - Brooke
4 - Sara