Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It's been a while!!

Wow, it has been a while since I have posted anything new. Things here are going well. We are getting ready for vacation next week.

Michelle still has her class, and she loves every minute of it. She is very adventurous, and loves climbing. Here she is in her favorite thing there

When she is not off on an adventure there, she is having adventures here. Her newest favorite toy seems to be the attachment for the vacuum cleaner. I guess she figures one of us should use it. She is also very into playing imaginary instruments. Sometimes I wonder what she is going to be when she gets older. She says she is going to have a farm, with cats, dogs, chickens, roosters, ducks, trains, boats, monkeys, lions, snakes, birds, pigs, dinosaurs, and a whole lot more. She is very into animals, and knows the sounds they make.

Here are some new pictures of her. I just got a new camera, so some of them were just me goofing around getting used to the camera. Her face is filthy in these pictures, it was right after dinner!

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