Monday, June 30, 2008

This rant is brought to you by the "letter" C...

At the risk of sounding like a bad comic...

What's the deal with the letter C??? Does it have a purpose??? Every word with a C in it, the C is either making the K sound, or the S sound. It is an impostor letter. It serves no purpose. Why not get rid of it, and have a 25 letter alphabet. It's so lazy, mooching off the work of K and S. It needs to get a job! All the other letters have their own sound(or two!), but this one just copies. It is ridiculous.

And while we are on the subject of moochers.....

What the hell is up with grapefruit?? First off, the only way it is slightly edible is with... Oh, I dunno, a pound or two of sugar. And, if you are going to do that, why not just grab the sugar and a spoon and go to town.

My next issue with grapefruit... Why is it trying to mooch of grape's name?? You hear grapefruit and you think "Mmmmm, grapes are so delicious, so this must be twice as delicious since it is Grapefruit." . It is giving grapes everywhere a bad name.

So, on top of grapefruit being super shady, and a moocher, it is also the evilest of all fruits(not to be confused with broccoli the deadliest of all veggies). Lets say you get a delicious fruit salad(no, that isn't an oxymoron) and you take a bite of a delicious looking juicy red strawberry. What does it taste like you ask??? Bitterness. No matter how many delicious fruits(What?? No, I am serious, that is not an oxymoron. Yes, really.) you have in your salad, those two tiny pieces of grapefruit that were so carelessly added have attacked the other delicious flavors. The evil vile juice of the grapefruit, has seeped in and taken over the taste of your fruit salad. It is sad, really.

So, my advice to you, be wary of the moocher/impostor "letter" C, and of the evil grapefruit.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Blog-a-palooza pt 4: Because we don't have enough....

Well, we have a dog, and 2 cats, and now..... A guinea pig!!!! Michelle has been asking for a hamster for a long time. Guinea pigs are cuter, cleaner, and more friendly, so we got a guinea pig instead. We are a random family, haha. So, here are, of course, some pictures of our yet to be named guinea pig.

Blog-a-palozza pt 3: Sandbox

Michelle got a new sandbox a... Well, a while ago. Hey, I already apologized! Fine, you are right, I am sorry.

She LOVES it. We got her plain sand, and Crayola makes some awesome colored sand. So, she also has pink, green, and purple sand. And now some pictures!!

Michelle got a new sandbox a... Well, a while ago. Hey, I already apologized! Fine, you are right, I am sorry.

She LOVES it. We got her plain sand, and Crayola makes some awesome colored sand. So, she also has pink, green, and purple sand. And now some pictures!!

Yeah, I know that was a quick post, but Blog-a-palooza isn't done yet!!

New entry pt 2: Kings Island!

A couple weeks ago we took an impromptu trip to Kings Island amusement park in Cincinnati. Basically, we decided late Saturday to go, got the tickets and booked the hotel room, and left Sunday night when Mike got home. Everyone takes vacations like that. What? They don't?? Oh..... Moving on........

Anyways, it was AMAZING! The kids section is all Nickelodeon and Nick Jr stuff. Michelle had such a blast. Mike loves water rides, so he went on a bunch of those. Unfortunately, Michelle is such a tiny little one, there weren't a lot of rides she could go on. But she still had so much fun. And of course.... Some pictures!!!!

Did I say some pictures?? I meant a crap load!

New entry pt 1: Fishing and a haircut

Sheesh, am I bad at updating, or what?? I'm sorry, Baby. You see... What had happened was..... Eh, who am I kidding, I got no excuse. haha.

So, part one of my Blog-a-palooza (oh, that sounds awesome. I am going to sell tickets to that tour. Any takers? No? Ok, maybe later.).... We took Michelle fishing.... Well, it was a while ago, but still. It is new to you! Unless you are my Dad, and then this is old news. Haha.

Anyways, Michelle LOVED fishing. We didn't catch anything, barely even a nibble, but it was still so much fun. She caught on super fast to what you are supposed to do. Before fishing, we stopped and got her haircut. Her hair is sooooooo long!!!! The ends were a little uneven, so it was just a tiny trim. She did wonderful!

Here are some pictures, of course!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Michelle's run

In Wheeling(the town 20 minutes from me) they have a HUGE race every year. Last week, was the toddler race, the 5-12 year old mile fun race, the real mile race(the winning time was 3 minutes 50 seconds!!!). The next day is the huge 20 K race. There were people in from all around the world. It was crazy, I had no idea about any of this, haha. Michelle and I went with my friend Carri and her family. She has a little boy, Conor, who was born less then two weeks after Michelle. He is Michelle's best friend, it is really cute. Michelle ran the little toddler race, she had so much fun! She is so super fast, too! And now for the pictures!!!!